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“It speaks so clearly to the tone we’re setting for heavy issues moving forward: so racially charged, right at the top, speaking not only to the hypersexualisation of Black people by white people, but performative allyship. “It’s one of my favourite scenes,” laughs actor Devin Way, who plays Brodie. Johnny wears knitwear, leather trousers, tank top, and rings, all by Dsquared2Īnd with that, this writer picked his jaw up off the floor, Karen from Mean Girls-style. CG wears two-piece, by Equipment, waistcoat, by Dsquared2, boots, stylist’s own, jewellery, by Pyrrha, necklaces, CG’s own. Jesse wears dress, by Dion Lee at END., shoes, by Christian Louboutin, rings, Jesse’s own. Finn wears top, by Enza Costa, necklace, stylist’s own, earrings, by Pawnshop London. Ryan wears shirt, vintage, glasses, Ryan’s own. Devin wears top, by Alice & Olivia, trousers, by Levi’s Made and Crafted, shoes, Devin’s own, bracelet, by Pawnshop London. The cast of Queer as Folk for the Attitude July/August issue.

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